Outstanding Ofsted Report

We are delighted that we were rated as OUTSTANDING in all areas by Ofsted in May 2022! This demonstrates the first-class education we provide for all students and the local community. Prior to this visit, Ofsted last visited in 2016 at which time the school has just joined the Trinity MAT and was rated as requires improvement. Since that time, the MAT supported the academy to make rapid progress leading to vast improvements which began to emerge in 2017 and have continued to gather momentum, culminating in the recent Ofsted visit. As a result the academy is proud to list the amazing achievements below:

  • 2018 + 2019 Highest performing school in Wakefield in year 11 examinations
  • 2019 TES Secondary School of the Year
  • 2020 SIAMS Excellent – Church School Inspection
  • 2022 Ofsted Outstanding

During their visit Ofsted saw first-hand the amazing curriculum in action, alongside our excellent personal development curriculum. They also witnessed the calm, purposeful and safe learning environment in place. The full report outlines the exceptional work that we do in full so please take some time to read this here.

Admissions 2023 – registrations for fair banding assessment now open!

The opportunity to register for our Fair Banding Assessment is now available to all parents of year 5 children who are moving into year 6 in Sept. 2022. By completing the assessment you have the opportunity to apply for a place for your child in September 2023. Assessments will take place in October 2022. Please complete the fair banding registration form now if you would like to register and be kept fully informed. Please note: the assessment is not a test and the score has no bearing on whether you are offered a place. However, all children applying to TAC must have sat the assessment for a chance of being offered a place.

Fair Banding Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/BcckCdf4r4 

Read our Admissions Policy and Supplementary Guidance: https://cathedral.trinitymat.org/about-us/admissions/  

Ukraine Appeal

As the situation in the Ukraine and Russia unfolds, we would like to do something as an academy to help.

Crisis Appeal

Today we are launching a TAC Crisis Appeal so that we can raise much needed funds to support humanitarian groups working in Ukraine. If students/parents/carers would like to donate to this appeal, please visit ParentPay where you will be able to make a donation. If you would like to donate but do not have a ParentPay account then do not worry, we have another way for you to support.

Essential Items Collection 

We are collecting essential items that are needed to support Ukrainian refugees. The items are due to be shipped to Poland in two weeks time. The list of items that we are collecting is below. If you would like to donate, please bring all items to Chaplaincy by Friday 11th March.

  • Plasters
  • Dressings
  • First aid kits
  • Vitamins
  • Energy bars
  • Dried fruit
  • Chocolate
  • Lollipops
  • Food that does not require cooking,
    e.g. pot noodles
  • Snacks for gluten-free and diabetics
  • Baby milk in a liquid form already mixed
  • Sudocrem
  • Wet wipes
  • Bottles with a dummy
  • Pet food

Thank you.

Library appeal

We have teamed up with Darling Reads in Horbury to build our library stock and provide wonderful reading opportunities and experiences for our young people. If you would like to help, you can choose to donate a specific sum of money, or choose one of the books on our wish-list and buy it for us. Darling Reads will then deliver the books to us and fill up our shelves!

Donate here 

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Trinity Scholars

Trinity Scholar students benefit from an additional investment of up to £6000

Click to find out more!