Student Remote Learning Contract

Trinity Academy Cathedral: Student Remote Learning Contract

Remote Learning Rules:

These rules are a basic outline of the principles for online working. Should there be an infringement of any of these rules then the relevant teaching staff reserve the right to immediately remove the student from Microsoft Teams.

✓ I will follow my timetable when I am well but off school, and complete all work set.

✓ I will complete my remote learning work to the best of my ability.

✓ I will only use technology for school purposes as directed by my teacher.

✓ I will not reveal my passwords to anyone.

✓ I will be responsible for my behaviour and actions when using technology, including the resources I access and the language I use.

✓ I will make sure that all my communication with students, teachers and others using technology is responsible and sensible.

✓ I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to my teacher or my parent.

✓ I will not record or take photos/screenshots of my classmates or teachers during video sessions.

✓ I understand that when using applications provided by the school that my use can be recorded, monitored and logged and be made available to my teachers.

✓ I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied and my parent may be contacted.

✓ I will report any instances of online abuse or anything that makes me feel uncomfortable immediately to a member of staff.

✓ I understand that Teams is an extension of the classroom and that I should conduct myself as I would in a classroom environment.

This includes:

  • Taking part in a Teams lesson in an environment that is safe, quiet and free from distractions
  • Being on time for live streamed lessons
  • Being dressed appropriately for learning
  • Remaining attentive during sessions
  • Interacting patiently and respectfully with your teachers and peers
  • Not recording each other’s online interactions.


Student Name: _____________________ Year group: ____________


Signed: __________________________Date _________________


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