Special Educational Needs
The academy is committed to ensuring a truly inclusive learning environment, where all students can fully participate and feel a deep sense of belonging. We believe that all students, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, should have an entitlement to, and experience a ‘barrier-free’ access to, a broad and balanced education and should be integrated fully into all aspects of the academy. This should be done without stigma, prejudice or discrimination.
The academy follows the agreed guidelines in the SEND Code of Practice. We believe that, in order to identify, assess and provide effectively for students’ special educational needs, there should be the greatest possible degree of partnership between the student, staff at the academy, parents or carers and other outside agencies. In meeting the special educational needs and/or disabilities of its students, the academy will have full regard to the views of the parents or carers and the child.
Our SENDco is Mrs Nicola Wilson.
Please email: NWilson@cathedral.trinitymat.org
Mrs Nicola Wilson
SEND resources
There are some great resources for children with SEND available on this website, particularly useful for any children who need support with emotional wellbeing.
View link