Parental guidance on supporting wellbeing
Our students and families are very important to us and we want to ensure that you feel well supported and have access to information that can promote your wellbeing. As a parent/carer you can do simple things to support your child’s wellbeing which have been recommended by the NHS:
- Maintain a daily routine: find two or three things that give a sense of stability each day. Making sure your child has between 8-10 hours of sleep per night is key to ensuring they are ready to learn at school.
- Keep expectations reasonable: it is important to be kind, compassionate and reasonable, ensuring your child has time to relax at the end of a school day.
- Acknowledge their emotions: we are living in a difficult time so ask them about any concerns or worries they have and remind them that feelings are temporary.
- Have a healthy lifestyle: a good physical healthy lifestyle positively impacts mental wellbeing. Simple steps like limiting the amount of sugar your child eats and encouraging at least 30 minutes exercise each day can make a huge difference.
- Limit screen time: set boundaries around the length of time your child is using technology such as mobile phones or games consoles, especially before bed. Reading, playing games, going for a walk or talking can all be enjoyable alternatives.
- Access resources on Teams: In each year group area on MS Teams, there is a wellbeing channel. To access the resources, click on ‘Wellbeing’ and then ‘Files’ to bring up a wide range of resources to support your mental health and wellbeing. The Government have issued comprehensive guidance for parents/carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing covering the following: The guidance can be read via the following link:
For further guidance, visit the links below to websites that provide free advice and resources around safety, well being and mental health. Some of the services are national but others are Wakefield based services that can offer support such as counselling.
View linkYoung Minds
View linkKooth
View linkSamaritans
View linkSelf-harm
View linkSuicide Awareness
View linkNight OWLS
If a child or young person you care for is in a crisis contact Night OWLS.
This service is for ALL families including those with children/young people who are Looked After, Adopted or with any additional needs. Night OWLS is a confidential support line for children and young people in crisis. Helping them, their parents and carers living in Bradford, Leeds, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield. Further information can be found on the download below.