Rewarding Success
Excellent behaviour is very important to students and allows them to gain the very most from their time at the academy.
We reward those who have great attendance and behaviour. To help us track student behaviour, we use a system of ‘Achievement Points’ and ‘Behaviour Points’.
What are Achievement Points and Behaviour Points?
- Achievement Points: Given when students consistently show great behaviour as shown in our Behaviour Policy, exceed our expectations or help others. They can be awarded for anything that is positive! Students will be awarded with badges and certificates for Bronze (250 points), Silver (400 points) and Gold (600 points).
- Behaviour Points: These log instances when students have not met our expectations, such as poor or incomplete homework, uniform not being worn properly or failing to follow instructions. Any Behaviour Points are deducted from the overall number of Achievement Points, which could affect a student’s participation in Rewards Week.
At Trinity Academy Cathedral, we have a variety of rewards, including:
- Weekly: Achievement Points – home communication when trigger points achieved (30+ per week), 100% reward certificates, subject shout-out postcards, highest form attendance receives a dinner queue fast pass, INVOLVE rewards.
- Half termly: Certificates and badges in assemblies (Bronze, Silver and Gold award), prize draws for 100% attendance students for £25 voucher (one pupil per year group), TAC Attendance cup – one form per year group win a pizza party for best weekly attendance and runner up form win a sweet treat party, SLO Award and Phase Leader Awards, INVOLVE free break snack passes.
- Advent challenge: Christmas film afternoon/selection boxes for high seasonal attendance.
- Yearly: Odyssey, Graduation and TAC award – 96% attendance minimum, end of year trips and prize draws, 100% attendance – money prize draws, pizza party for best form group attendance, TAC Award with the opportunity to win a kindle.
It is very easy to succeed at Trinity Academy Cathedral – our students have high expectations, behave well and take up the opportunities available!