Admissions & Prospectus

For admission to Trinity Academy Cathedral (including CAPA Juniors), applications from Wakefield residents should be made via Wakefield Council’s online application system. Parents must have registered their child to sit the Fair Banding Assessment (see Admissions Supplemental Guidance for details).  Applications for CAPA Juniors must also have completed a CAPA Juniors Supplementary Information Form.

We admit 210 students per year into Year 7 and these places are awarded strictly in line with the terms of our Admissions policy which you can download from this page.

The Fair Banding and CAPA Juniors Supplementary Information Forms are now open for registrations for September 2025.

If you have any questions please use the contact us button below or e-mail us at A member of the transition team will then be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Calendar for Admission

Calendar for Admission 

September 2024  – An Open Evening Event will be held on Wednesday 18th September.

September 2024 – Parents must have registered their child to sit Trinity Academy Cathedrals Fair Banding Assessment by 23 September 2024 (see the academy’s Admissions Supplemental Guidance for full details). If applying for CAPA Juniors, parents must also have submitted the CAPA Juniors Supplementary Information Form by 23 September 2024.

October 2024 – All applicants whose registration forms have been received by the deadline (see Admissions Supplemental Guidance for details), will sit a Fair Banding Assessment, organised by the academy. CAPA Juniors applicants whose supplementary information forms have been received by the deadline will be invited to audition.

October 2024 – All Parents/carers of Y6 primary school children (regardless of which school they wish to attend) must also complete the Wakefield Authority’s Common Application
Form (CAF) for Admissions. Please refer to Wakefield Local Authority’s website for information on how to apply for a place at a secondary school – Closing date 31 October 2024 

CAPA Junior applicants – In line with the School Admissions Code, parents will be informed of the outcome of the audition prior to the deadline for the Common Application
Form, although this does not equate to a guarantee of a place.

December 2024 – The academy will provide the local authority with all necessary information in accordance with the LA’s co-ordinated admissions arrangements.

March 2025 – offers made to parents by the LA.

Fair Banding Explained (Video)


If your preference for a school place cannot be met, you have the right to appeal. All appeals are organised by Wakefield Council’s Committee Services Team. Your appeal should be submitted within 20 school days from the receipt of refusal. Please see the Wakefield Council School Admission Appeals website here for further details.

You are entitled to appeal when you wish your child to attend a particular school. An appeal is successful if the panel agree that the reasons for your appeal outweigh the school’s decision not to admit any more children.

If parents need more information about the online application process or have any other admission queries, the education authority can be contacted on 01924 305338

In-year transfers

Are you interested in applying for a place at Trinity Academy Cathedral?
You will need to complete the LA’s in-year school transfer form.

Any requests for an in-year transfer should be made through Wakefield Council, further details can be found on their website: Wakefield Council School Admissions

The Wakefield Council website outlines all the information you need to apply for an in-year place, however, please do feel free to contact us with any questions.

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